@techreport{feldman09family, author = {Alexander Feldman and Gregory Provan and Arjan van Gemund}, title = {A Family of Model-Based Diagnosis Algorithms Based on {Max-SAT}}, institution = {Delft University of Technology}, number = {ES-2009-02}, year = {2009} }
@techreport{feldman09reducing, author = {Alexander Feldman and Arjan van Gemund}, title = {Reducing the Diagnostic Uncertainty of a Paper Input Module by Active Testing}, institution = {Delft University of Technology}, year = {2009}, number = {ES-2009-04} }
@techreport{feldman07lydia, author = {Alexander Feldman and Arjan van Gemund}, title = {\textsc{Lydia} User Guide}, institution = {Delft University of Technology}, year = {2007}, number = {ES-2009-05} }
@techreport{feldman07building, author = {Alexander Feldman and Arjan van Gemund}, title = {Building a \textsc{Lydia} Model of an {Oc\'e} Printer's Paper Input Module}, institution = {Delft University of Technology}, year = {2007}, number = {TUD-SERG-2007-16} }